The Immersive Expedition “Vanished Worlds” is an unprecedented adventure made possible by virtual reality, enabling an in-depth exploration of the evolution of life over more than 3.5 billion years.
This fascinating 45-minute experience offers a captivating plunge into the history of the Earth and living things. Accessible from age 8 upwards, this innovative concept, halfway between education and entertainment, transforms participants into fully engaged actors, both physically and emotionally, in an adventure in which they play a central role.
In close collaboration with the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, this initiative ensures exemplary scientific rigor, with every detail validated by experts. “Disappearing Worlds” goes beyond a simple virtual tour, offering a total collective immersion in key periods in the history of life. Equipped with immersive devices, participants can move freely and share realistic sensations with family and friends in spaces ranging from 500 to 1000 square meters.
Address : 19-21 rue St Sernin 33000 Bordeaux
Opening hours : Tuesday to Friday 2pm to 8pm, Saturday 10am to 9pm and Sunday 10am to 8pm
For more information :
Bordeaux is rich in history and heritage with its 350 UNESCO listed buildings. Each one more unusual than the next, don’t miss out on discovering them.
We have put together a list of the most important places in the Port de la Lune to visit…
The Immersive Expedition “Vanished Worlds” is an unprecedented adventure made possible by virtual reality, enabling an in-depth exploration of the evolution of life over more than 3.5 billion years.
The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux regularly invites contemporary artists to take a personal look at its collections. Valérie Belin presents Les visions silencieuses, a major monographic exhibition.
The Musée d’Aquitaine is a museum of history and civilization. Labelled a “Musée de France”, it houses significant collections tracing the history of Bordeaux and Aquitaine, from prehistory to the 21st century.